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While long distance travel in Kahara is reasonably common, it is not without its risks. While most major roads are reasonably safe, there are risks when travelling, such as monsters, bandits, unofficial "tollbooths", and in some places corruption.



For most in Kahara, this will be the primary option. Animals are expensive and beyond the reach of many, or they are tied to farmers or other people who do little travelling. Generally speaking this is done in groups which travel from dawn to dusk and spend nights alternating watches.

The average Kaharan can travel 40 miles a day on foot.


Most nobility in Kahara as well as those who have acquired some level of wealth (usually Wealth 8 or higher) via their own efforts or through a patron will have access to mounts. Generally speaking, mounted travel is only as fast as the slowest member of the group, so to get the most out of this method the entire group needs to be mounted.

Similar to on foot, travel is done during daylight and watches are at night. Most mounted groups can travel 80 miles per day.


Caravans are often larger groups of people with a mix of mounted people, those on foot, carriages and other animal-pulled methods of conveyence. These often have the goal of transporting bulky goods from one place to another. While caravans are slower than even individuals on foot, they have the advantage of having more people and being less vulnerable to the various hazards of travel in Kahara.

Most caravans travel at the rate of 30 miles per day.


In some areas, ships can transport goods and people via water. This is a highly efficient method of travel and affordable to most Kaharans. While this avoids the hazards of travelling on land, there is also danger with this method of travel.

A ship in ideal conditions can travel up to 100 miles per day.

Teleportation Circle

Teleportation Circles are large arcane artifacts which were placed long ago. While understanding of their operation has not been wholly lost, it is considered obscure knowledge. Additionally, many teleportation circles are damaged. Using this method, when available, travel from any functioning circle to any other functioning circle is relatively quick and easy, however, for particularly long journeys multiple jumps between teleportation circles may need to be used.

Both the ritual, and the rare, expensive reagents needed are local to the region in which the teleportation circle is located, and the casting takes approximately ten minutes to complete. While this method of transportation is fast, its limitations make it better suited to a small group traveling a long distance than attempting to transport any significant amount of goods. To the best knowledge available the teleportation circles seem able to transport people and what they are carrying far better than cargo. Attempts to transport cargo in significant amounts have either failed or required excessive ritual components that conventional caravans are lower risk and less expensive, even with the hazards of the trade routes.

Note: Where active teleportation circles exist, PCs are generally assumed to be able to use them to travel. This not only allows players to go to where roleplay is happening quickly, but it allows an explanation for why a character is seen in one place one day and a thousand miles away from there the next.

Advice on Traveling

Those who travel are often advised to do so in groups, as this means more resources and people to call on should there be a threat while traveling.

It is also common for those with a valuable skill to sign on with caravans for the duration of a trip in the direction of one's final destination. Similar arrangements exist for ship travel. Many of these arrangements are able to provide sustenance, payment, or both.

Nobles or those who have a patron will normally have access to a mount. Nobles will often own at least one, while those with a patron may be able to borrow one for the duration of a journey.